Tag Archive | activism

Police evacuate families from working-class Tel Aviv neighbourhood (Israel) – Gali

After lengthy legal battle, six families of Givat Amal lose their homes.

Israeli police officers during the evacuation of the Givat Amal neighborhood in north Tel Aviv. (Shiraz Grinbaum/Activestills.org)

Police evicted six families from the Givat Amal neighborhood in northern Tel Aviv Thursday morning, after they lost a lengthy court battle for their rights to the land. Residents and community activists gathered in the neighborhood in an attempt to trying to stop the eviction. The residents, who the state placed in the working-class neighborhood soon after its founding in the 1950s, have been leading a struggle to recognize their rights to the property, which were sold to an Israeli businessman in the 1970s.

The land has since exchanged hands to another Israeli mogul, Yitzhak Tshuva, who is planning to turn the neighborhood, comprised of single-family homes and shacks sitting in the heart of one of Tel Aviv’s most expensive neighborhoods, into six high-rise towers.

Five of the families reached an agreement to evacuate, which offered compensation to the residents. One woman, Rivka Chilovsky, refused the agreement and is resisting the evacuation of her home.

Rivka Chilovsky, resident of Givat Amal collapses after police officers enter to her house to convince her to evacuate, Tel Aviv, March 27, 2014. (Shiraz Grinbaum/Activestills.org)

MK Dov Khenin (Hadash) responded to the evacuation by stating that, “on the same day that he sealed a deal to sell off our natural gas, Tshuva is kicking out six families from their homes onto the street. The demands of the residents who were sent to the live in the area by the state in the 1950s are basic and fair.” According to Khenin, he has proposed legislation to ensure that the evacuated families receive alternative housing.

An activist holds a sign reading “Here is my home, I was born here,” in front of Rivka Chilovsky’s house before her eviction, March 27, 2014. (Shiraz Grinbaum/Activestills.org)


Residents of Givat Amal in the doorway of their home. The neighborhood is slated for demolition. (Keren Manor/Activestills.org)


Original Article.

Latest FB post regarding the eviction (September 15th 2014), inviting to participate in an event (tonight, September 15th, 19:00 Israel local time, 18:00 Paris local time). Two of the participants in the event are Israeli politicians, from two edges of the political map. The manifestation will be covered by the Israeli media.